SoftWave Therapy: Instant Relief & Healing | The Chiropractic Place
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Softwave therapy procedure cause any discomfort during or after the treatment?
Softwave therapy can produce some discomfort during the procedure. There is usually no discomfort after other than possible soreness the next day. Most people report decreased pain and better range of motion after their treatment.
How long does each Software therapy session typically take?
A typical Softwave therapy session lasts 5-10 minutes.
Contraindications to Softwave therapy are active cancer or tumor in the area of treatment, an active skin infection in the area of treatment, recent cortisone injection in the area of treatment, or over a pregnant woman’s uterus. Other than that, Softwave is completely safe to use and is labeled by the FDA as having a ‘Non-significant risk.”
How does Softwave therapy compare to other treatments for joint and muscle issues in terms of effectiveness and recovery time?
Softwave therapy is very effective for the treatment of joint and muscle pain. More and more professional athletes are using Softwave to treat injuries and speed up recovery.
Can Softwave therapy be combined with other treatments like chiropractic adjustments or physical therapy for enhanced results?
Softwave therapy can be combined with chiropractic care and/or physical therapy to enhance your results.
SoftWave Therapy: Instant Relief & Long-Term Healing!
Hello everybody, this is Dr. Aaron Seaton and I am here today with our new SoftWave tissue regenerative therapy service that we do. The SoftWave is a really cool technology and it looks like an ultrasound. We actually use ultrasound gel to help the conductivity of this unit and what the SoftWave does is we're putting shock waves into the body at about 3,300 miles per hour and this system can be used on old shoulder problems, elbows, knee problems, low back issues, plantar fasciitis.
We've used it on a number of different things that we have seen tremendous benefit to our patients. So what this shock wave therapy is doing, again these shock waves are going in at about 3,300 miles per hour and it's creating four things for you. Number one, it's decreasing inflammation.
Number two, is it's turning on your own stem cells, stem cell activation. Number three, it's really good at breaking up scar tissue adhesions and number four, it increases blood flow and actually stimulates the cells that fix and grow new blood vessels. So what I like to do with my patients is explain to them the kind of the short-term effects when we're first starting to use it and a lot of times people see almost instantaneous or immediate results with this as they see improvements in their range of motion and decreases in their pain.
That is usually pretty quick and that's because the inflammation is going down and we're breaking up scar tissue and adhesions so that your joints can move smoother and get full range of motion or maximize your range of motion. The long-term effects are the stem cell activation because stem cells go to work and they start to regenerate your tissue in that area and that can take time you know over a course of a few months but while you're getting decreased pain, better range of motion, we're also getting the stem cells to go to work in that area for long-term effects as well. The long-term effects are also true for the blood vessel repair and increased blood flow and the studies they've done on this I think it was about nine weeks later they looked at it there was 200 percent to 300 percent more blood flow in the areas that were treated with Softwave.
So that's cool because if you turn on stem cells which are trying to regenerate tissue if they have 200 to 300 percent more blood flow that's more oxygen, more nutrition, they can go to work and do more long-term healing. But the cool thing with this is when you have that first treatment and in our office it's a $50 introductory offer just see if it helps you. We're not a hard sell here it's just does this help you or not and with the patients this has really made a big difference about 90 percent of the patients who have tried it have seen a difference and so after that we can talk about what kind of course of care is going to be best for you to have the Softwave have both the short-term effects but also the long-term regenerative effects to help you better heal from this problem you're dealing with.
So if you have any questions about Softwave feel free to contact my office. I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.
Call our office today to schedule an appointment to kickstart your healthy life: 530-221-8443
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Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Closed Fridays and Weekends
Our Address
The Chiropractic Place
1123 Hilltop Drive
Redding CA, 96003