Prevention vs. Pain Relief |The Chiropractic Place

Frequently Asked Questions

How would you explain the long-term benefits of preventive chiropractic care to a patient who only seeks treatment for pain relief?

Pain is the last thing to show up and the first thing to leave. The absence of pain does not mean you are healthy. Long-term health decisions should be based on the best science available, and chiropractic care has repeatedly shown successful long-term outcomes for patients who use it consistently.

What are some specific ways regular chiropractic care can help prevent "irreversible" damage to the spine, similar to how dental care prevents decay?

Regular chiropractic care helps maintain proper motion in the spine, which can prevent long-term damage and support overall spinal health, much like dental care helps prevent decay and gum disease.

How do you address the common concern that "once you start chiropractic care, you have to keep going" when encouraging patients to adopt a preventive approach?

Just like going to the gym, brushing your teeth, or getting regular oil changes for your car, anything you want to maintain requires routine care. Your spine is no different; regular chiropractic adjustments help keep it healthy over time.


Prevention vs. Pain Relief

Hello everybody. This is Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place. And today's video is about prevention versus pain relief.

Now, if you go to your dentist and you ask your dentist, how should I take care of my teeth? Your dentist is going to tell you, brush your teeth, floss twice a day, come in at least every six months for a deep cleaning to prevent any future damage to the gums, to the teeth. So in essence, the dentist is going to tell you to take care of your teeth on a regular basis to prevent long-term damage. Most damage can be permanent.

It can be irreversible. So the dentist is going to recommend to their patients to take care of their teeth and their gums along the way to prevent serious problems and serious complications down the road. Now, dentists are great at fixing cavities, right? When you have this kind of semi-emergency, not emergency, but Hey, you don't want this to get worse.

Dentists are really good at fixing those. And even after they fix that cavity, they're going to tell the patient the same thing. You need to brush better, keep an eye on proper diet, make sure you're cleaning your teeth, make sure you're flossing, right? Do this consistently and make sure you're getting in every six months for that deep cleaning so we can prevent future problems in future decay.

Now, chiropractic care is no different. A lot of patients who come to the chiropractor are seeking that they're seeking pain relief. Maybe it's neck pain, back pain, headaches, whatever it is.

They're seeking some pain relief, but as we are very good at getting you better, much like the dentist can fix the cavity. A lot of chiropractors are really good at helping patients with neck pain, headaches, back pain, but we're also going to advise you to take care of your spine along the way. Now I've heard it so many times at some people who are concerned about coming into the chiropractor.

One of the concerns that I've heard is, Oh, well, once you start going, you always have to keep going. You don't have to keep going, but if you want to take care of your spine along the way and prevent future damage in decay, which can be permanent and irreversible, very similar to damage to our teeth and our gums. If you want to help prevent that damage to your spine, it's important to take care of that spine along the way.

Keep it healthy, keep it moving, and regular chiropractic adjustments can really contribute to that. So if all you want is pain relief, that's totally fine, but there are consequences for choosing that method. If you're only concerned about your spine when it hurts, a lot of damage takes place in between those flare ups.

And so what I usually recommend to my patients, obviously we really want to get you out of pain if you're in pain when you come in, but start at least considering this option along the way. Consider taking care of your spine on a more consistent, regular basis and you will see the many benefits of approaching chiropractic care that way. I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.


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