Health Care Cost in the United States - The Chiropractic Place

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does healthcare cost the US economy?

Healthcare costs the US 4.3 trillion per year as of 2021. The total percentage of GDP is 17.8%, nearly twice as much as the average developed country.

How much does healthcare cost in the US per month?

Healthcare costs about $358 billion dollars per month in the US.

Is health Care Free in the US?

Health care is not free in the United States.

How Much Does Insurance Cost in the United States?

This is Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place here in Redding.

Today's video is about healthcare in the US.

I came across some pretty staggering statistics and maybe want to shoot another video to help educate our patients and followers on improving our health outcomes.

So in the US, 5% of the population comprises over half of the total healthcare costs.

That's a staggering number.

So 5% of the population, we're about 300 million.

So 5% of that would be about 15 million people are responsible for over half the total healthcare costs, that's pretty big, and over half of the US, population is only responsible for 3% of the total healthcare costs.

Well, that's pretty good.

Factors Affecting The Health Care Cost

So how do we do more of this and less of this?

There are other factors.

Age and things like that can factor in, but just because we get older, does it mean we need to be more proactive with our health?

So let's look at this group, so what can we do to be more part of this group that's cutting our total health care costs in our country and living a healthier lifestyle, so the health fundamentals that I like to talk about with my people are still the same, you do about a half a dozen things right regularly, and you're going to improve your health outcomes significantly.

Ways To Improve Our Health

You're going to minimize risks.

Nobody's perfect.

It doesn't mean you'll never have stuff come up, but this is a great tool to help minimize our health risks by doing things proactively that increase our health.

Sleep, that's pretty obvious.

For growing kids, we need nine to 10 hours.

Our body needs rest for adults in that seven to eight-hour range.

Water, we need to be hydrated.

Our bodies are 70% water.

Everything in your body, every chemistry that's going on, requires water.

It would be best if you were hydrated.

Healthy food.

We must be aware of what we eat and how much we eat—quality and quantity matter.

So eating too many calories, even if you're eating healthy, can negatively affect you, but overeating garbage and not focusing on the quality is a problem also.

For my patients and my people, I tell them both quality and quantity matter, so think about both.

Exercise, regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day.

I go to the gym Monday through Friday.

I work out for at least an hour to an hour and 15 minutes, and then seven days a week, my personal goal I want to get 10,000 steps a day or more, so that's what I do to keep myself fit and active and to me, doing the steps is sustainable.

I can do that when I'm 60, 70, or 80 years old.

Shoot for getting 10,000 steps without doing a lot of damage to my body.

If that's not your thing, find something you enjoy.

Just getting regular exercise is important.

It helps with your overall health, cardiovascular health, your mood, your sleep patterns, we need to exercise.

A positive mental attitude is something that people don't ever really associate with health, but think about what you are consuming daily. For example, what videos are you watching?

Are you getting a lot of negative feedback?

Are you getting sucked into the political realm, or he said, she said?

Talk show stuff like constantly consuming negative stuff harms our overall outlook and affects our health, so what can you do that's more positive instead of watching the news if they're constantly flaring you up?

Take a break from that.

Take a walk instead, and do things that give you that positive outlook and help you achieve whatever goals you have for yourself.

Last but not least, as a chiropractor, I will always mention chiropractic because it's a preventative thing we need to do, very similar to dentistry.

None of us go to the dentist hoping we have cavities.

We go to prevent dental problems.

We get our regular cleanings.

Hopefully, you're brushing and flossing regularly to care for your teeth.

I do it too.

I don't want dental problems as I get older, so I do everything I can to minimize the problems with that.

Chiropractic is no different.

We utilize chiropractic care as a preventative maintenance of our spine in our nerve system because our spine protects the system that controls everything in our body.

I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.


Call our office today to schedule an appointment to kickstart your healthy life: 530-221-8443


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Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
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The Chiropractic Place
1123 Hilltop Drive
Redding CA, 96003