An Easy Weight Loss Trick - The Chiropractic Place
An Easy Weight Loss Trick
JULY 11, 2017
How to lose weight
There is so much information on how to lose weight. Most of us don’t have time
to sift through all of it. The problem with a lot of the methods out there is
they take a lot of commitment to change. The best place to start with weight
loss are the small, easy to implement changes that can have a large impact
over time. The easiest weight loss trick I have come across is:
Drink a 12oz glass of water and eat something with protein within 45
minutes of waking up. We lose approximately 8oz of water every night just from breathing while we
sleep. Our stress hormones increase at night in order to provide our body with
much needed energy while we rest and repair. If we don’t eat something within
approximately 45 minutes of waking up, our body increases these stress
hormones even more. So if you wait 2-3 hours after waking to eat something,
you are letting these hormones get out of control. Your body will react to
this mini-starvation by storing more body fat once you eat. So, if you eat a
mini-meal within 45 minutes, you prevent your body from going into a body fat
storing mode. On average, the patients of mine who follow this protocol lose
approximately 1-2 pounds a week. If you do this for 20 weeks, you may lose
20-40 pounds depending on your commitment level.
What to Eat:
Option 1. A meal replacement shake: These are the easiest and
fastest way to get what your body needs quickly. I highly recommend the
Isagenix Isalean Shake. They use very high quality ingredients and they taste
better than anything on the market. Mix with 12-16oz of water and you have
everything you need to shut your stress hormones off.
Option 2. Some fruit, Some nuts, and a 12oz glass of water. I
typically will eat a large handful of walnuts (or almonds), a whole banana or
apple, and a 12oz glass of water. You can also substitute a large handful of
raspberries or blueberries if you don’t like apples or bananas.
Remember, the shake is by far the easiest to do. If you have any questions
feel free to contact me. A great book that helps explain easy to implement
weight loss strategies is “The Four Hour Body” by Timothy Ferriss.