Discover the Healing Power of SoftWave Technology
Frequently Asked Questions
How does SoftWave work to stimulate healing in areas with scar tissue or inflammation?
Softwave uses shockwaves that go deep into the body at over 3,000mph. These shockwaves expand the tissue at a rapid rate, causing scar tissue to break up. The expansion and contraction of the tissues also causes inflammation to be pumped out of the tissues.
Can SoftWave therapy be used for different types of injuries, like knee, shoulder, or back pain?
Softwave therapy is an effective treatment for knee, shoulder, and low back injuries as well as chronic problems.
How long does it typically take to see results from SoftWave therapy, and what kind of improvements can patients expect?
Softwave therapy results can happen in as little as one session. We do recommend patients try at least 3-4 sessions to give Softwave a chance to help them.
Discover the Healing Power of SoftWave Technology
Hello everybody, this is Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place. Today's video, we're going to be talking about this new technology that we've brought into our office. That's called SoftWave.
I want to talk to you about what SoftWave actually does and also the, my own personal experience with SoftWave and what I've seen it helped me with, with my own health. So this SoftWave device, it basically looks kind of like an ultrasound type of device, but way more powerful and does way more stuff for you. We apply this to different joints, shoulders, knees, hips, low back to help people with chronic problems where they're not seeing any healing happening, or they're just stuck in this chronic state of pain.
We've seen this help lots of different patients. But what this thing actually does is four different things. Number one, it helps decrease inflammation and that can happen very fast after one treatment it breaks up scar tissue and adhesion.
So if there's scar tissue around a joint, it'll help break that up and help give you more range of motion. And the longterm things that this does, which are really cool is that this actually helps you grow new blood vessels in these areas. So if you can get more blood flow to these areas, you can speed up and accelerate healing.
And this technology helps you do that. The fourth thing is it will activate stem cells in your body. Your own stem cells.
It will turn those stem cells on and attract them into that area and get them healing as well. So not only are you getting pain relief, you're getting longterm healing. So very cool what this thing is capable of doing.
Now with my own experience, I had an old soccer injury to my left knee when I was younger during my college years. And at the time that I was ordering this, there were certain days that I would be noticeably kind of hobbling when I would get home by the end of the day. And I was starting to feel like, Oh geez, this is, this is starting to become a pretty big problem.
I'm having some difficulty walking on certain days. I really need to start paying attention to this. So when we got the Softwave, I wanted to be a Guinea pig.
I wanted to try this out and see what it actually does. I treated myself pretty regularly with the Softwave for about six weeks. And now I am basically pain-free in that knee.
I've been able to run up to 10 miles a week again after utilizing that Softwave for a specific amount of time. So I've noticed tremendous benefits for myself. We've had patients with shoulder injuries and sees significant benefit.
I had a lady recently with chronic low back pain that was not going away who started Softwave. I think we've only done four treatments. She's about 80 to 90% better and that is lasting.
So this is a really cool piece of technology. If you're suffering with something that you've been struggling with for a while and nothing else has worked, I hope you would give us a call and consider utilizing Softwave to see if we can help your body heal itself. I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.
Call our office today to schedule an appointment to kickstart your healthy life: 530-221-8443
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Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Closed Fridays and Weekends
Our Address
The Chiropractic Place
1123 Hilltop Drive
Redding CA, 96003