Chiropractic Care Relieves Chronic Migraines: A Patient’s Story

Frequently Asked Questions

How common is it for chiropractic care to alleviate migraines, and is there any scientific research supporting this connection?

Patients come to chiropractors for headache relief all the time. There are multiple studies that confirm chiropractic care can be an effective treatment for headaches.

How long does it typically take for patients to see similar results, and do improvements usually last long-term?

Some patients see immediate results under chiropractic care. For most patients, it may take a few weeks of regular chiropractic care to see the desired results.

What other unexpected health benefits have patients experienced from chiropractic care beyond pain relief and reduced migraines?

Patients in our office have reported sleeping better, better mood, healthier digestion and bowel movements, decreased pain, and many other improvements while undergoing chiropractic care.


Chiropractic Care Relieves Chronic Migraines: A Patient’s Story

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place. Today I wanted to talk to you about a testimonial that I recently received in my office from one of my chiropractic patients and this was really cool because it made me really think about the impact that chiropractic care can have on people's lives.This is a patient that started roughly a month ago.

She had come in for some back problems that she was feeling. She's a very busy person, a manager, and has to work very hard and so we started taking care of her. We started seeing some very important improvements and she started noticing a decrease in her overall pain in her spine, her upper back, her neck, her low back .

So she was already seeing improvements and she came in and told me, hey I have not had one migraine since I started coming here and I was getting three to four a week. So that was a pretty cool thing to hear from a patient that they saw such a significant improvement in these migraines that they felt like they needed to share that with me after the only thing that they've done different is they started chiropractic care in my office. Now that has a significant ripple effect in any patient's life.

If you are struggling with severe headaches like that multiple times a week, that can impact your family life, that can affect your professional life, personal life, that has an effect. And for that patient to now not have any of that over the last month or so, she was obviously extremely excited about what had happened. And so I wanted to talk to you guys today about that chiropractic care can have an impact on a lot of different aspects of our health.

Not just back pain, neck pain, but it can affect things like severe migraines, it can affect things like digestion, it can affect a number of things because your spine protects your nervous system and your nervous system is what governs everything your body does. And in this case, it was affecting her spine, probably her neck, was affecting blood flow to her head, the regulation of that, and was causing severe migraines for her several times a week. Now that is something that we should all be happy about when we come in and see a patient like this.

You weren't even thinking about that. So in this case, we got to affect headaches and she wasn't even coming in for that specifically, but we were addressing everything that we found in the spine, making sure we were adjusting and correcting anything that we found that was out, and she responded wonderfully. So that is a possibility for a number of patients.

People are struggling with different things. If you see of somebody with something that you might not even think chiropractic care could affect, you might be surprised for what chiropractic care can actually impact. I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.


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2:00pm - 5:30pm
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The Chiropractic Place
1123 Hilltop Drive
Redding CA, 96003