Auto Accidents: What You Need To Know - The Chiropractic Place
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the first thing you need to do if you are in an automobile accident?
After a car accident, it is important to make sure you are examined for any injuries you sustained. X-rays and other images may be required to better understand any injuries.
How long do you have to see a doctor after an auto accident?
You may need to see your chiropractor for 4-12 weeks after an auto accident. Soft tissue injuries from an auto accident need time to heal. A Doctor of Chiropractic can help assess and properly treat these injuries to help you fully recover from auto accident injuries.
What happens to the body after an accident?
Several soft tissue injuries can happen during an auto accident. The most common is whiplash, which involves tearing of ligaments and tendons. It is vital to have these injuries treated within a few days of the accident. The sooner you begin treatment, the better.
How long after a car accident can you feel pain?
Pain following a car accident can be permanent depending on severity and treatment decisions. This is why it is so important to seek care within a few days of your car accident. The best outcomes occur for people who start care quickly and stay committed to the care plan.
Hello everyone, this is Dr. Aaron Seaton. Today's video is about auto accidents when you're in a car accident, what to do after you're in an accident, when you should seek care, and kind of that whole process. We see a lot of these cases every month, so we're pretty knowledgeable on what to advise our patients on what they should be doing to make sure that their auto accident case is being handled appropriately. One of the first things I mention to my patients is to check with their auto insurance company to see if they have what's called Med Pay. Sometimes this is referred to as PIP, which is personal injury protection.
So checking to see if they have Med Pay. Many people carry this on their auto insurance, and if you don't carry it, this is something you should add to your auto insurance policy. It's very inexpensive, and it provides you anywhere from $1000-$5000, $10,000 or more if you're in an auto accident, and that money from Med Pay can be used on services such as chiropractic, if you need x-rays, if you want to get some massage after. And a lot of these things are included in our care plans for our patients who have auto accidents because of the immense benefits they provide to people who have had a car accidents. So, first things first, check with your auto insurance company, and if you're watching this video and you haven't been in an accident, and you're thinking of ways to protect yourself, if you are, this is a quick phone call.
So if you have a State Farm or a Farmers agent, Esurance, whoever it is, reach out to your agent and ask them, "Do I have Med Pay, and what would that cost to add it on?" It's typically very inexpensive and provides a lot of value to the patient when they're in an accident. Your insurance company will pay for these services to be done if you're in a car accident, so check into that first. The next thing that we always tell our patients, which is based on orthopedic peer-reviewed research, is that sooner is better. Some people wait months and months and months after a car accident, do not let that be you. The research is quite clear on this topic that the first 60 days are crucial. Do not wait to get care, do not wait to seek out help when you've been in an auto accident, if you're experiencing headaches, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, pain radiating down the arm or legs, if you're experiencing any kind of symptoms following an auto accident, you want to seek out care sooner than later. Because the people who get under care quickly, within a week, or two weeks, respond far better to their care than people who have waited six months or 12 months.
So, understanding these things when you're in an auto accident is very important. Once again, do not wait to seek out care if you've been in a car accident. We do digital x-rays in our office. We can provide chiropractic care, massage therapy, whatever it is. Even if you don't have Med Pay, these services are still available to you, and we're more than happy to help you. But definitely, if you're in an accident, check with your auto insurance provider, most people have never even heard of this, but it's a phone call to your auto insurance agent to find out whether or not you have that. So, hopefully, this video was helpful. We can talk about more related to auto accidents, but these are three very important things to discuss. So if you have any questions regarding auto accidents or chiropractic care, give our office a call. I'm Dr. Aaron Seaton with The Chiropractic Place.
Call our office today to schedule an appointment to kickstart your healthy life: 530-221-8443
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Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Closed Fridays and Weekends
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The Chiropractic Place
1123 Hilltop Drive
Redding CA, 96003